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Vidhya Vandan Institute
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Welcome to

Vidhya Vandan


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What Is a Diploma?

A diploma is an official document awarded by a high school indicating that a student has completed the necessary requirements for graduation. In most cases, students must complete a predetermined number of credit hours in high school-level courses such as English, math, science, and social studies.

Diplomas may be accredited or non-accredited. An accredited diploma is one that is issued by an institution that has been verified to meet a given set of criteria. Most public and private schools are accredited. That means that they have met the standards set by a governing body, which is usually the department of education in the state in which the school is located.

Non-accredited diplomas are issued by institutions that have not met or chose not to adhere to the guidelines set by such a governing body. Individual homeschools, along with some public and private schools, are not accredited.

However, with few exceptions, this fact does not negatively impact a homeschooled student's post-graduation options. Homeschooled students are admitted to colleges and universities and can even earn scholarships with or without accredited diplomas, just like their traditionally-schooled peers. They can join the military and get a job.

Our Courses

Computer Training Basic, Talley

All Diploma Courses,

PG Diploma Courses Available

Authorised Admission Center of BSS

Central Govt. Authorised Diploma Institute

Diploma, Advance Diploma, Post Diploma


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